Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Battle Of The Western Front

The first division of 20,000 Canadiens took up places with their allies in mid April 1915. Over the years of WW1 600,000 more Canadians made it to the front lines because of the casualties. Some of the places Canada fought were: Ypres, Festubert, the St.Eloi craters, Mount Sorrel, the Scarpe, the Somme, Courcelette, Amiens, Arras, the Nord Canal, Cambrai, Vimy Ridge, Hill 70, Beaumont Hamel, and Passchendaele. These were dangerous times as soldiers were unaware what weapons the enemy had. Like the German gas attacks, and Mustard GAs, or the invention of tanks, bombers, and fighter aircraft. Countries poured money into labs to see who could develope the better killing machine. Because of their egos and ambitions the war was one of the bloodiest wars in the history of the world second only to WW2.

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