Tuesday, October 20, 2009

French-English Conflict

French and English relations were always tense. One of the reasons was that the English thought the French were cowardly because very few enlisted to fight overseas. The French said that it was an English war, even though France was fighting overseas to. One of the conflicts was about the firing of Colonel Sam Hughes, who was the minister of militia, and the man responsible for training the troops at Valcartier. The British saw him as a hero saying how he helped Canada go from 3,000 to 100,000 troops. The French however saw him as arrogant who antagonized the French by making training an instruction manuals in English only. English saw Hughes as a hero, the French saw him as arrogant. Another reason was conscription. Conscription is the mandatory enlistment of any healthy male into the armed forces. The English supported it, thinking that the French would finally fight. The French opposed it and rioted all over Canada, saying this wasn't their war.

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