Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Last 100 Days

The final days of the war were known as the last 100 days. The United States of America had entered the war and caused fear among the Germans. Germany's last hope was to launch a mighty offensive or "Final Assault" at Paris. Thousands of German troops entered France. They were stopped only 80 KM from Paris. On August 8 Canadian troops spearheaded the allied assault (also the name of to Medal of Honor games) into the advansing German Army. American troops arrived with new tanks, planes, cannons, and weapons. Using new tactics they dropped bombs on the entrenched Germans, causing them to either expose themselves to run or charge, or be blown up in the trenches. By November the allies arrived on the frontiers of Germany. Germany surrendered November 11, 1918. After 4 years of fighting WW1 was finally over.

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